High Intention – Low Attachment
High Intention(s) = Emotional involvement with Your Big Idea(s). This is not wishful thinking or “I would if I could” type of fantasizing. Although, it may begin there. Your High Intention requires continuous and sustained focus on your Big Idea.
How will your life improve when your Big Idea becomes manifest? How will you have changed mentally, emotionally and/or physically? Who will you be associating with, what will you be wearing, how has the environment around you changed? Think in detail. Make sure these details are exciting to you. This Big Idea should take you beyond your present level of comfort so that when you see the end result in your mind it literally causes your pulse to quicken. You may even feel a little light-headed. Just like falling in love – you can actually feel your own heart beat.
When is the last time you had an idea or even a fleeting thought that made you feel like that? Most people stuff it away as quickly as it pops up by slapping it with down with an automatic excuse as to why it's not possible - “I'm too short, too thin, too fat, too tall, too bald, too poor, too old, too tired, too inexperienced, too single, too married, too busy, too smart, too dumb” – too whatever!
Then we forget we even have Big Ideas – we don't claim them as our own. Ask someone what would make them happy and the most common response would be “more money”. But money is just currency – it's not the physical money that will make you happy, it's what you DO with the money that brings satisfaction.
In his book, The Four-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris states, “most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they're being held from. This is particularly true with the “doing” category. In that case, consider these questions:
a. What would you do, day to day, if you had $100 Million in the bank?
b. What would make you most excited to wake up in the morning to another day?
Then he goes on to suggest, that if you are drawing a blank, write down the answers to the following:
pick one place to visit
one thing to do before you die (memory of a lifetime)
one thing to do daily
one thing to do weekly
one thing you've always wanted to learn.
Now that you have your Big Idea firmly planted in your mind the next thing you must do is let go of it. Huh? Confused yet? Remember the cliché; “When you love someone (something), set them (it) free?” That's the same principle here. So, how exactly does one focus on their Big Idea and let it go at the same time?
Commit yourself to the fact that your Big Idea or BETTER is now manifesting. This is critical. The OR better factor creates a low attachment to the outcome. Better is Better, right? Your High Intention sets up the action steps necessary to achieve your Big Idea. Start taking those steps and just know that the unknown pieces of the puzzle will fall into place when and where they are supposed to. Your low attachment to the end result opens your mind to receive the good you desire through multiple and unexpected channels.
Your job is to do all that you can right now with where you are today – each action builds on previous actions advancing you toward your goal. You are becoming/evolving into the person who has, does, or is the embodiment of your Big Idea.
The more emotionally involved you are with your vision for yourself the higher your state of vibration. It's the law of vibration that governs the law of attraction. When you become emotionally involved with an idea or vision of a specific outcome, your physical and mental being literally vibrates at a higher frequency. This is the frequency that attracts that which you desire to you.
The Science of Getting Rich program uses the analogy of a radio frequency. Turning on the radio may or may not produce a result you are looking for. There may simply be static or the channel is airing news and you want to listen to music. Your action is to tune the dial to the frequency you want to RECEIVE.
Simply put, if you are not receiving the results that you want in your life, “Change The Channel”!
Tune your thoughts toward your High Intentions - there may be quite a bit of static at first, coming from your present conditions and old paradigms. You will know when you've found the correct frequency because you will feel the energy of it – the vibration of truth resonates through your whole being. This is “thinking in a certain way”! The more you practice this, the longer you will be able to sustain your vision for yourself regardless of present conditions and circumstances.
-Remember – it's This or Better!
You've got the vision – you've got the vibration – now move your feet! Move toward your goal, Take the first step, no matter how small. Physically move toward what you are attracted to and that reality will be attracted to you.
Be ready to receive for it may come to you all at once or incrementally. And most importantly – Be grateful that you are now receiving that which you desire. Be grateful for every thing you have, everything you receive and everything you can give.
Be grateful that you have Big Ideas.
Hi Shellie, I knew you had posted again as I subscribed to your blog, but it is only now that I logged in to read it and wow... your post is ... what can I say... law of attraction at work.
I am working on a big idea, actually it started as a little idea and then grew into a big idea and it will be awesome when it has come to fruition... I have no doubt of that.
Your post ... could not have come at a more relevant time.
Thank you :-) Thank you :-)
Hi Stubby - sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been traveling. Thank you for your comment. I LOVE to hear that what I've shared resonated with someone else!
I would very much like to hear about your 'Big Idea'!!
Hi Schelli,
my turn now to appologize for not responding sooner... lots on and nothing to do with my big idea.
Well... what happened started 2 months ago on my way home from buying horse feed. Eatern Australia is currently in the hold of an EI outbreak, a disease that was hitherto unheard of in Australia, and to protect the horse industry, everything horse related came to an abrupt stand-still with a total lockdown of all horses. This led to the rescheduling of Equitana 2007 to 2008, and the rescheduling or cancellation of numerous other horse events. Anything even remotely to do with horses was under strickt biosecurity guidelines.
In amidst all this I was organising a natural horsemanship clinic for Feb 2008 and I needed 3 more bookings to get the clinic confirmed. What to do... then I had a brilliant idea.
a. I was darn sure that EI was over by Feb 2008 or at least we would be able to move horses again
b. I would have loved to see the demo our instructors from Quantum Savvy were going to hold at Equitana, and
c. this would be a great opportunity to raise some funds for those individuals whose buisnesses have suffered greatly due to the EI outbreak.
The same day I suggested this to Shane and Meredith Ransley and they were as enthusiastic about the idea as I was and still am. So they asked me to put a proposal together on how to go about organising such an event, a daunting task for me as I never have put anything like that together before, plus I was thinking big, no huge.
The venue I had booked for the clinic can hold up to a whopping 5000 spectators, I was happy to 'just' have 1000 but wouldn't stop there if the opportunity arises. So I put the proposal together with 1000 spectators in mind. I could literally see the stands filled with all the people, I could hear the aupplause and the cheering... it still gives me goosebumps imagining it.
So... after lots of research and talking to relevant departments (yep I have to liaise with government departments because of EI) my proposal, on the 3rd edit, was accepted by the presenters and is now in front of the Dep of Primary Industries for appraisal to see if the event can be held under the guidelines and policies as laid out by the government authorities to help eradicate the disease from Australia.
Oh... one of the provisos attached was to get the clinic confirmed which ment I had to get 6 deposits together... I already had three... it took me 8 days to get the other three... and as I said in the heights of the EI outbreak here.
Now it would have been quite easy to say... 'too hard especially during this current EI crisis', but I kept focusing on the vision I had of the arena being filled by cheering fans and I kept telling everyone 'movement restrictions will be lifted or eased by December'. I got the 'what makes you so sure about that?' question so often and my standard answer was 'I just know it'. I got a few weird looks, but guess what... current standings are that DPI is looking to lift/ease movement restrictions by Christmas.
This event is going ahead as planned... I am so sure about it you have no idea, and even if it gets postponed from the original date... I have achieved something awesome and the experiences and contacts I have gained are invaluable.
I am still in awe as how the events are unfolding... I have an idea and I put it 'out there' visualising what it will be like, or what the outcome will be and ... it happens or something better comes along. It's awesome... and yes it changes you. I for once always thougt of myself as a shy person with nothing much to give... now I am out there talking to everyone about my ideas and dreams,and people call me inspiring, motivating and dedicated... descriptions I would never have used to describe myself.
I am so grateful to having been introduced to the Law of Attraction in my course of learning Natural Horsemanship the Quantum Savvy way and to have come accross you blog.
Thank you :-)
Stubby (aka Petra)
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