The Next Highest Version of Your Business and
Branding with Archetypes™
Why Women Only
The pendulum is swinging from a yang way of doing business to yin. The recent implosion of our standard operating procedure for doing business in the world is marking a major transition in the psyche of all humans as we redefine our relationship with ‘business as usual’.
The word recession has the media’s talking heads, economists and government officials implying that this economic downturn is akin to previous national recessions that have basically self-corrected within short order.
This is different. This is not a simple bump in the road that requires a little navigational correction to put us back on track. This is the end of a road that has been paved with greed and corruption, monopoly, competition and even fear.
We are in a transition on a global basis that is occurring not within economic systems, but within human beings themselves. Our current economists and elected officials are not the ones to ‘fix’ this so-called recession. You can’t continue to do the same things to fix the economy that broke it in the first place.
The business practices of 18th and 19th century concepts no longer apply to 21st century awareness, needs and most importantly, relationships.
I’m speaking about all relationships. As business owners and service providers we have a direct relationship with our clients, as well as relationships with our families, our friends, our community and the world – but most importantly – our relationship with ourselves.
I believe that right now as we move through this historical economic transition that it’s the Divine Feminine energy that needs our support that needs us to step into a powerful, provocative, prosperous new power based on authenticity and transparency in all of our relationships.
Yes, men also need to (and are) embodying this shift toward creative relationship based businesses and communication. However, I feel that at this particular moment in time that it’s the women who need the greatest support and encouragement to step into a more active role in facilitating this economic transition toward a more spiritual, relationship based business model.
When Women say, "Yes" to themselves - Everyone Benefits!
It’s time for women to embrace their own higher spiritual self, their physical and emotional intuition and their creative mental capabilities. When all of these aspects are integrated and aligned you are then living a life fully expressed, fully in the present. Then you become a clear conduit of divine inspiration from a foundation of always being able to say ‘Yes’ to yourself.
As more and more women begin saying ‘Yes’ to themselves and what serves them spiritually, physically and mentally, the shift toward relationship value-based business will blossom at an exponential rate – literally around the world!
I personally struggled with whether or not to create my particular programs for women only. I love men! I also want for them what I want for all of us – a prosperous, peaceful professional and personal life.
What has become clear to me however is that it is the Divine Feminine energy that is stirring up the winds of change and that women (in general) are the ones with the innate talent and intuition to guide, to navigate these winds to the shores of a more compassionate relationship value-based economy.
This is the opportunity to combine our yin-feminine goddess energy with the yang – male commerce, entrepreneurial energy and truly transform business as we’ve always know it.
We are entering a New World Order
We are entering a new age of spiritual, social and economic awareness that is based on collaboration, sharing our knowledge and resources and honoring the talents and gifts inherent in each and every soul we encounter.
If this is resonating with you - then you my friend, (female or not) are a Pioneer of change.
It is my passion and my mission to help women entrepreneurs clearly define and fully step into the Next Highest Version of Who You Really Are!
Your business, your work, how you show up in the world – your brand is an expression of your soul. If it’s not an expression of who you really are, or if it’s not being recognized by others or worse, by you, then you are denying your own brilliance – the genius within that keeps pulling you forward.
Now, as a woman myself, I reserve the right to change my mind and possibly open up future programs to include the male soul-o-preneurs as well. Perhaps even partner with other like-minded gentlemen who would want to facilitate this entrepreneurial economic shift specifically for men. But for today I am here 100% fully present to support each of you to reveal and embrace the
Next Highest Version of Your Business!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, December 19, 2008
Are New Year's Resolutions Pointless and Depressing?
How to Create a Powerful, Achievable New Year's Resolution
It’s the end of 2008 and no matter how wonderful or awful it was I encourage you to open your heart and embrace the opportunity for great change for 2009 and beyond.
The tradition of creating resolutions for the New Year can be a daunting task. We want to do better, look better, feel better, be better. But the process of deciding what we are resolved to do can actually have a negative effect, which undermines the point of making a resolution in the first place.
Allow me to elaborate; if you reflect on the past year in a way that emphasizes all of those tasks and goals that did not get accomplished, you are setting yourself up to fail in those same tasks and goals for the new year. Brow-beating yourself for what didn’t happen creates a negative vibration which etches the negative emotions and disappointments in to every cell of your body.
It’s no wonder so many people get depressed over creating their New Year’s Resolutions.
How are You Feeling Today?
On the simplest level, the Law of Attraction is dictated by the Law of Vibration. What you think about creates feelings in your body, literally on a cellular level. The higher, more positive thoughts create a higher more positive vibration. Therefore, since like-attracts-like, the higher your vibration the more positive experiences and people you will attract. Conversely, the lower more negative thoughts create a lower, negative vibration. This either keeps you stuck where you are or worse, attracts negative people and circumstances your way.
What should you do now? How can you even begin to create new resolutions without thinking about what hasn’t already happened in a negative way?
Unfortunately, just writing down what we want to have happen or thinking ‘happy’ thoughts isn’t quite enough to create positive and permanent change. You must become emotionally involved with the commitment of what better is for you. Not what someone else thinks it should be for you, but what it would genuinely mean to you.
Continue reading, only if you are serious about making a significant positive change for yourself. This takes a little courage, some thought, about 30 minutes and the ability to love yourself (or at least a genuine desire to want to love yourself).
Grab your journal or a notebook, find a comfortable private spot and give yourself the gift of yourself.
1) Forget about the New Year for a moment. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about one (or 10!) great thing(s) you did accomplish this past year. Write it down!
2) Close your eyes again, take a deep breath and think of one small thing you accomplished yesterday. Write it down!
3) This time visualize someone in your life that loves you and imagine them telling you why they love you. Write it down! (do not skip this one)
4) Now visualize someone that you admire and/or love (anyone – alive or not) and imagine yourself telling them why you admire them. Write it down!
5) Take another deep, cleansing breath and read aloud what you just wrote from steps 3 & 4 using your own name (even if you don’t believe it-yet).
6) Close your eyes and see yourself in your mind’s mirror as the loved and admired person you just declared yourself to be (even if it’s just for a moment).
7) Fast forward to this time next year as the loved and admired person you are. What was your greatest accomplishment for the year? Who has acknowledged you for this accomplishment?
Now that’s a Goal worth Achieving. Write it down!
This is your New Year’s Resolution!
Embrace the Next Highest Version of You
If you find it difficult to acknowledge yourself in this way, I invite you to consider the fact that any time you recognize or admire greatness in another it is because you have the seed or even the roots of that same greatness in yourself.
You would not be capable of envisioning an exciting goal for yourself if you didn’t already posses the ability and fortitude to make it a reality.
This exercise works because it aligns you with the truth that you already do accomplish many wonderful things every day of every year – great and small. When you allow yourself to celebrate the small along with the great you begin to associate with the positive returns in life.
When you go to bed at night and thank yourself for all that you did this day, you will wake eager to do more the next. If you go to bed worried about all the things that did not get done and are waiting for you tomorrow, you will toss and turn and begin the new day full of dread and anxiety. You choose.
When your goal or resolution is exciting enough to pull you out of your comfort zone then you will find positive changes begin to take place in all the other areas of your life as well.
One great goal is far more powerful than 5 mediocre resolutions. With mediocre resolutions we can’t stay committed. If we blow one, we throw them all out together, (if we can even remember what they all were in the first place).
I promise, if you will take 30 minutes to complete this whole exercise and then read it over once every day, you can change the entire course of your next year from mediocre to GREAT.
Now, if you find yourself wondering how to accomplish or even begin this next phase of your life, I urge you to contact a qualified Life Coach. A good coach can be an invaluable thinking-partner to help you unleash the rich creative genius that you are ready to express!
Give yourself the gift of your own true potential to become the Next Highest Version of You!
Many Blessings for a Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Schelli Whitehouse / Professional & Life Coach
Pegasus UnLimited
Life and Business Transformation through
Clarity, Humor and Horses! (yes – horses!)
Live the Life You Want
It’s the end of 2008 and no matter how wonderful or awful it was I encourage you to open your heart and embrace the opportunity for great change for 2009 and beyond.
The tradition of creating resolutions for the New Year can be a daunting task. We want to do better, look better, feel better, be better. But the process of deciding what we are resolved to do can actually have a negative effect, which undermines the point of making a resolution in the first place.
Allow me to elaborate; if you reflect on the past year in a way that emphasizes all of those tasks and goals that did not get accomplished, you are setting yourself up to fail in those same tasks and goals for the new year. Brow-beating yourself for what didn’t happen creates a negative vibration which etches the negative emotions and disappointments in to every cell of your body.
It’s no wonder so many people get depressed over creating their New Year’s Resolutions.
How are You Feeling Today?
On the simplest level, the Law of Attraction is dictated by the Law of Vibration. What you think about creates feelings in your body, literally on a cellular level. The higher, more positive thoughts create a higher more positive vibration. Therefore, since like-attracts-like, the higher your vibration the more positive experiences and people you will attract. Conversely, the lower more negative thoughts create a lower, negative vibration. This either keeps you stuck where you are or worse, attracts negative people and circumstances your way.
What should you do now? How can you even begin to create new resolutions without thinking about what hasn’t already happened in a negative way?
Unfortunately, just writing down what we want to have happen or thinking ‘happy’ thoughts isn’t quite enough to create positive and permanent change. You must become emotionally involved with the commitment of what better is for you. Not what someone else thinks it should be for you, but what it would genuinely mean to you.
Continue reading, only if you are serious about making a significant positive change for yourself. This takes a little courage, some thought, about 30 minutes and the ability to love yourself (or at least a genuine desire to want to love yourself).
Grab your journal or a notebook, find a comfortable private spot and give yourself the gift of yourself.
1) Forget about the New Year for a moment. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about one (or 10!) great thing(s) you did accomplish this past year. Write it down!
2) Close your eyes again, take a deep breath and think of one small thing you accomplished yesterday. Write it down!
3) This time visualize someone in your life that loves you and imagine them telling you why they love you. Write it down! (do not skip this one)
4) Now visualize someone that you admire and/or love (anyone – alive or not) and imagine yourself telling them why you admire them. Write it down!
5) Take another deep, cleansing breath and read aloud what you just wrote from steps 3 & 4 using your own name (even if you don’t believe it-yet).
6) Close your eyes and see yourself in your mind’s mirror as the loved and admired person you just declared yourself to be (even if it’s just for a moment).
7) Fast forward to this time next year as the loved and admired person you are. What was your greatest accomplishment for the year? Who has acknowledged you for this accomplishment?
Now that’s a Goal worth Achieving. Write it down!
This is your New Year’s Resolution!
Embrace the Next Highest Version of You
If you find it difficult to acknowledge yourself in this way, I invite you to consider the fact that any time you recognize or admire greatness in another it is because you have the seed or even the roots of that same greatness in yourself.
You would not be capable of envisioning an exciting goal for yourself if you didn’t already posses the ability and fortitude to make it a reality.
This exercise works because it aligns you with the truth that you already do accomplish many wonderful things every day of every year – great and small. When you allow yourself to celebrate the small along with the great you begin to associate with the positive returns in life.
When you go to bed at night and thank yourself for all that you did this day, you will wake eager to do more the next. If you go to bed worried about all the things that did not get done and are waiting for you tomorrow, you will toss and turn and begin the new day full of dread and anxiety. You choose.
When your goal or resolution is exciting enough to pull you out of your comfort zone then you will find positive changes begin to take place in all the other areas of your life as well.
One great goal is far more powerful than 5 mediocre resolutions. With mediocre resolutions we can’t stay committed. If we blow one, we throw them all out together, (if we can even remember what they all were in the first place).
I promise, if you will take 30 minutes to complete this whole exercise and then read it over once every day, you can change the entire course of your next year from mediocre to GREAT.
Now, if you find yourself wondering how to accomplish or even begin this next phase of your life, I urge you to contact a qualified Life Coach. A good coach can be an invaluable thinking-partner to help you unleash the rich creative genius that you are ready to express!
Give yourself the gift of your own true potential to become the Next Highest Version of You!
Many Blessings for a Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Schelli Whitehouse / Professional & Life Coach
Pegasus UnLimited
Life and Business Transformation through
Clarity, Humor and Horses! (yes – horses!)
Live the Life You Want
Thursday, April 3, 2008
What is The Passion Test?
Here's a test that No One Ever Fails!
With this test you can get as many do-overs as you want. The first time I took The Passion Test I was surprised at how ambitious my dreams actually are. As I reviewed the card I created for myself, I thought, Geez, I'd better get busy!
I also really came to appreciate how much I appreciate exactly where I am today. I'm grateful that I have passions. Maybe too many!
Although, many of the items on my list were not true passions, just likes. Likes are good, though they are easily swept aside. Then there are the shoulds. Items I put on my list because I thought they should be there. I mean, what kind of person am I if I don't have World Peace listed as one of my passions? Most definitely not a contender for the Miss (Mrs.) America pageant.
The Passion Test created by Janet Bray Attwood, is a wonderful tool for helping you to discover the clarity you need to begin making your dreams your reality.
What dreams have you talked yourself out of?
I used to believe that if I followed my passion that I would have to neglect my family and leave them to fend for themselves. As passionate as I am about my family it wasn't long before the act of denying my own creative self-expression took a physical and mental toll on me.
Many of us actually feel guilty for wanting to Have, Be or Do more with our lives. We live in a remarkable country and a remarkable era that allows us to even consider the fact that we are free to follow our hearts and imaginations to become the brilliant manifestation of our souls true desire.
So many of the world's people, (especially women) have no personal freedom to express themselves beyond the identities handed to them by their societies and environmental conditions.
The mere fact that you are reading this means that you are already blessed with wealth and abundance greater than 95% of the world's population.
Sorry, I digress. My point is that we live in a time that offers us more choices and more opportunities to live a life full of growth and self-discovery. Your passions evolve in direct relationship to your needs.
Our dreams and goals are how we handle what is right in front of us with fulfillment and satisfaction. We begin with the basics. If you are hungry, you need food. Getting food becomes an all-consuming passion. If you are lonely, you become passionate about finding companionship and love. Once our most basic needs are met, our souls begin to yearn for other forms of self-expression and accomplishment.
Though, I am not a clinical psychotherapist, it is becoming more and more obvious to me that the majority of depressed people in our society are seeking medication in order to deaden themselves to the fact that they are continually denying themselves the opportunities to discover or actually follow their true passion.
I believe you can begin to live your life with true heartfelt passion, right now, today. But first you must give yourself permission.
There is nothing to fear and nothing to feel guilty about. In order to create change in our lives, we must first change ourselves.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson~
What would you do for hours or for free, just because you love it?
The Passion Test is an easy way to help you to identify and prioritize you passions in life, those activities that you are willing to leap out of bed for early in the morning or stay up late and continue after the world has fallen asleep. These are your dreams, you desires that breath life into your soul.
You might be surprised by what shows up for you. It's the first step to creating the life you truly desire. I highly recommend this simple test to absolutely everyone.
You can take it here for Free... Take The Passion Test Now!
With this test you can get as many do-overs as you want. The first time I took The Passion Test I was surprised at how ambitious my dreams actually are. As I reviewed the card I created for myself, I thought, Geez, I'd better get busy!
I also really came to appreciate how much I appreciate exactly where I am today. I'm grateful that I have passions. Maybe too many!
Although, many of the items on my list were not true passions, just likes. Likes are good, though they are easily swept aside. Then there are the shoulds. Items I put on my list because I thought they should be there. I mean, what kind of person am I if I don't have World Peace listed as one of my passions? Most definitely not a contender for the Miss (Mrs.) America pageant.
The Passion Test created by Janet Bray Attwood, is a wonderful tool for helping you to discover the clarity you need to begin making your dreams your reality.
What dreams have you talked yourself out of?
I used to believe that if I followed my passion that I would have to neglect my family and leave them to fend for themselves. As passionate as I am about my family it wasn't long before the act of denying my own creative self-expression took a physical and mental toll on me.
Many of us actually feel guilty for wanting to Have, Be or Do more with our lives. We live in a remarkable country and a remarkable era that allows us to even consider the fact that we are free to follow our hearts and imaginations to become the brilliant manifestation of our souls true desire.
So many of the world's people, (especially women) have no personal freedom to express themselves beyond the identities handed to them by their societies and environmental conditions.
The mere fact that you are reading this means that you are already blessed with wealth and abundance greater than 95% of the world's population.
Sorry, I digress. My point is that we live in a time that offers us more choices and more opportunities to live a life full of growth and self-discovery. Your passions evolve in direct relationship to your needs.
Our dreams and goals are how we handle what is right in front of us with fulfillment and satisfaction. We begin with the basics. If you are hungry, you need food. Getting food becomes an all-consuming passion. If you are lonely, you become passionate about finding companionship and love. Once our most basic needs are met, our souls begin to yearn for other forms of self-expression and accomplishment.
Though, I am not a clinical psychotherapist, it is becoming more and more obvious to me that the majority of depressed people in our society are seeking medication in order to deaden themselves to the fact that they are continually denying themselves the opportunities to discover or actually follow their true passion.
I believe you can begin to live your life with true heartfelt passion, right now, today. But first you must give yourself permission.
There is nothing to fear and nothing to feel guilty about. In order to create change in our lives, we must first change ourselves.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson~
What would you do for hours or for free, just because you love it?
The Passion Test is an easy way to help you to identify and prioritize you passions in life, those activities that you are willing to leap out of bed for early in the morning or stay up late and continue after the world has fallen asleep. These are your dreams, you desires that breath life into your soul.
You might be surprised by what shows up for you. It's the first step to creating the life you truly desire. I highly recommend this simple test to absolutely everyone.
You can take it here for Free... Take The Passion Test Now!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Can You Be Grateful for What You Have Not Got?
The title of this lesson can be a real sticking point for a lot of people.
“Can You Be Thankful for What You Have Not Got?”
Before we address that, let's assume that you presently have a goal or vision for yourself that doesn't presently exist. For Instance...
How can you be thankful for that great relationship, the extra $1000.00 in the bank or for weighing in at your target weight if your experience is anything but those things?
When someone pays you a compliment, buys you a gift or simply holds a door open for you – your response is 'Thank You'. It's an immediate response to an act of generosity. Everyone understands this.
Now think of a time you confided your relationship woes to a friend, he/she doesn't understand me, we just aren't connecting, he/she never listens, I don't know how to get his/her attention, etc., etc.
You have not only confided your woes to a friend but you have affirmed to the Universe (God) that your relationship is miserable.
Now what happens?
You get more of what you affirm for yourself.
Once you ask God for help (with anything) you must stop focusing on any negative aspect of the situation.
Connect to your Infinite Source of Power – the Creative Juices of the Universe then ASK for what you desire and prepare to RECEIVE by relating yourself to Your Source (God) with deep and profound gratitude.
So how can you be grateful for something you have not got?
Let's say you were in between jobs and before you are able to start the new job you are short on funds and unable to pay your heating bill. It's the middle of winter and you've received a notice that your heat will be turned off if full payment isn't received in 3 days time.
First you may panic and sling a few choice expletives around the room. Next, you would take action and call a friend or relative that you could beg or borrow enough money from in order to pay your heating bill.
For the sake of this lesson, let's say that your friend says, “Sure, I'll bring you a check the day after tomorrow.” You gush with gratitude, promise to pay your friend back and breathe a sigh of relief.
Then you forget about that problem because it has been solved.
When you hang up the phone with your friend you are filled with gratitude for the assistance they have offered, correct?
However, you do not have that money in your possession. Yet you are already grateful for it.
It is coming, but you have not got it.
This is exactly the way you need to establish your relationship with Your Infinite Source of Power. Your relationship with God (Universal Intelligence, etc..) is exactly the same.
Once you ASK for help you should gush with gratitude, for what you have requested is most definitely on it's way. Then stop worrying about what you have not got.
I'm sure you are familiar with the Law of Cause and Effect. For every Action there is always and equal and opposite ReAction. Therefore, your grateful outreaching to God (Your Source) creates an instantaneous reaction from God (Your Source) to YOU.
You are now responsible for receiving that which you have requested. Do not limit the manner in which it is to be delivered. Let the Universe handle those details.
That doesn't mean you should just sit on the couch watching TV and wait for those extra pounds to just melt away in between the sofa cushions. There's a little bit of creative teamwork involved here.
Tonight, before you go to bed, list as many things as you can think of that you are grateful for.
Write anything and everything that you are happy with today in your life or have ever been grateful for.
Write this sentence at the top of your page:
for chocolate ice cream
how much my dog loves me
for comedy
to have a movie date with my husband
for the guidance and perseverance to complete this course
etc., ect., You get the picture.
Keep writing until you can't think of even one more thing – then go to sleep. Do not watch the news or read anything negative from this point on. You are to go to sleep with a grateful heart.
Gratitude keeps you in close touch with your divine Source of Power. The closer you are to God the Source, the more you will receive the more you will be grateful, the more you will have to give.
-edited from the E-Course created by Schelli Whitehouse,
7-Weeks to Living The Certain Way
“Can You Be Thankful for What You Have Not Got?”
Before we address that, let's assume that you presently have a goal or vision for yourself that doesn't presently exist. For Instance...
How can you be thankful for that great relationship, the extra $1000.00 in the bank or for weighing in at your target weight if your experience is anything but those things?
When someone pays you a compliment, buys you a gift or simply holds a door open for you – your response is 'Thank You'. It's an immediate response to an act of generosity. Everyone understands this.
Now think of a time you confided your relationship woes to a friend, he/she doesn't understand me, we just aren't connecting, he/she never listens, I don't know how to get his/her attention, etc., etc.
You have not only confided your woes to a friend but you have affirmed to the Universe (God) that your relationship is miserable.
Now what happens?
You get more of what you affirm for yourself.
Once you ask God for help (with anything) you must stop focusing on any negative aspect of the situation.
Connect to your Infinite Source of Power – the Creative Juices of the Universe then ASK for what you desire and prepare to RECEIVE by relating yourself to Your Source (God) with deep and profound gratitude.
So how can you be grateful for something you have not got?
Let's say you were in between jobs and before you are able to start the new job you are short on funds and unable to pay your heating bill. It's the middle of winter and you've received a notice that your heat will be turned off if full payment isn't received in 3 days time.
First you may panic and sling a few choice expletives around the room. Next, you would take action and call a friend or relative that you could beg or borrow enough money from in order to pay your heating bill.
For the sake of this lesson, let's say that your friend says, “Sure, I'll bring you a check the day after tomorrow.” You gush with gratitude, promise to pay your friend back and breathe a sigh of relief.
Then you forget about that problem because it has been solved.
When you hang up the phone with your friend you are filled with gratitude for the assistance they have offered, correct?
However, you do not have that money in your possession. Yet you are already grateful for it.
It is coming, but you have not got it.
This is exactly the way you need to establish your relationship with Your Infinite Source of Power. Your relationship with God (Universal Intelligence, etc..) is exactly the same.
Once you ASK for help you should gush with gratitude, for what you have requested is most definitely on it's way. Then stop worrying about what you have not got.
I'm sure you are familiar with the Law of Cause and Effect. For every Action there is always and equal and opposite ReAction. Therefore, your grateful outreaching to God (Your Source) creates an instantaneous reaction from God (Your Source) to YOU.
You are now responsible for receiving that which you have requested. Do not limit the manner in which it is to be delivered. Let the Universe handle those details.
That doesn't mean you should just sit on the couch watching TV and wait for those extra pounds to just melt away in between the sofa cushions. There's a little bit of creative teamwork involved here.
Tonight, before you go to bed, list as many things as you can think of that you are grateful for.
Write anything and everything that you are happy with today in your life or have ever been grateful for.
Write this sentence at the top of your page:
for chocolate ice cream
how much my dog loves me
for comedy
to have a movie date with my husband
for the guidance and perseverance to complete this course
etc., ect., You get the picture.
Keep writing until you can't think of even one more thing – then go to sleep. Do not watch the news or read anything negative from this point on. You are to go to sleep with a grateful heart.
Gratitude keeps you in close touch with your divine Source of Power. The closer you are to God the Source, the more you will receive the more you will be grateful, the more you will have to give.
-edited from the E-Course created by Schelli Whitehouse,
7-Weeks to Living The Certain Way
Friday, October 26, 2007
High Intention - Low Attachment
High Intention – Low Attachment
High Intention(s) = Emotional involvement with Your Big Idea(s). This is not wishful thinking or “I would if I could” type of fantasizing. Although, it may begin there. Your High Intention requires continuous and sustained focus on your Big Idea.
How will your life improve when your Big Idea becomes manifest? How will you have changed mentally, emotionally and/or physically? Who will you be associating with, what will you be wearing, how has the environment around you changed? Think in detail. Make sure these details are exciting to you. This Big Idea should take you beyond your present level of comfort so that when you see the end result in your mind it literally causes your pulse to quicken. You may even feel a little light-headed. Just like falling in love – you can actually feel your own heart beat.
When is the last time you had an idea or even a fleeting thought that made you feel like that? Most people stuff it away as quickly as it pops up by slapping it with down with an automatic excuse as to why it's not possible - “I'm too short, too thin, too fat, too tall, too bald, too poor, too old, too tired, too inexperienced, too single, too married, too busy, too smart, too dumb” – too whatever!
Then we forget we even have Big Ideas – we don't claim them as our own. Ask someone what would make them happy and the most common response would be “more money”. But money is just currency – it's not the physical money that will make you happy, it's what you DO with the money that brings satisfaction.
In his book, The Four-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferris states, “most people have a lot of trouble coming up with the defined dreams they're being held from. This is particularly true with the “doing” category. In that case, consider these questions:
a. What would you do, day to day, if you had $100 Million in the bank?
b. What would make you most excited to wake up in the morning to another day?
Then he goes on to suggest, that if you are drawing a blank, write down the answers to the following:
pick one place to visit
one thing to do before you die (memory of a lifetime)
one thing to do daily
one thing to do weekly
one thing you've always wanted to learn.
Now that you have your Big Idea firmly planted in your mind the next thing you must do is let go of it. Huh? Confused yet? Remember the cliché; “When you love someone (something), set them (it) free?” That's the same principle here. So, how exactly does one focus on their Big Idea and let it go at the same time?
Commit yourself to the fact that your Big Idea or BETTER is now manifesting. This is critical. The OR better factor creates a low attachment to the outcome. Better is Better, right? Your High Intention sets up the action steps necessary to achieve your Big Idea. Start taking those steps and just know that the unknown pieces of the puzzle will fall into place when and where they are supposed to. Your low attachment to the end result opens your mind to receive the good you desire through multiple and unexpected channels.
Your job is to do all that you can right now with where you are today – each action builds on previous actions advancing you toward your goal. You are becoming/evolving into the person who has, does, or is the embodiment of your Big Idea.
The more emotionally involved you are with your vision for yourself the higher your state of vibration. It's the law of vibration that governs the law of attraction. When you become emotionally involved with an idea or vision of a specific outcome, your physical and mental being literally vibrates at a higher frequency. This is the frequency that attracts that which you desire to you.
The Science of Getting Rich program uses the analogy of a radio frequency. Turning on the radio may or may not produce a result you are looking for. There may simply be static or the channel is airing news and you want to listen to music. Your action is to tune the dial to the frequency you want to RECEIVE.
Simply put, if you are not receiving the results that you want in your life, “Change The Channel”!
Tune your thoughts toward your High Intentions - there may be quite a bit of static at first, coming from your present conditions and old paradigms. You will know when you've found the correct frequency because you will feel the energy of it – the vibration of truth resonates through your whole being. This is “thinking in a certain way”! The more you practice this, the longer you will be able to sustain your vision for yourself regardless of present conditions and circumstances.
-Remember – it's This or Better!
You've got the vision – you've got the vibration – now move your feet! Move toward your goal, Take the first step, no matter how small. Physically move toward what you are attracted to and that reality will be attracted to you.
Be ready to receive for it may come to you all at once or incrementally. And most importantly – Be grateful that you are now receiving that which you desire. Be grateful for every thing you have, everything you receive and everything you can give.
Be grateful that you have Big Ideas.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thinking The Certain Way -excerpts from The Science of Getting Rich - by Wallace D. Wattles
I'd like this blog to be a tool to remind us about "Thinking in the Certain Way".
Wattles says, You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want.
The clear and definite part can be a challenge for a lot of us. I find it a challenge because I want so many things I'm not sure what to focus on first. Some of us never form a clear and definite mental picture of our heart's desire because we don't really believe that we can actually acquire or achieve what we want.
Many people....have themselves only a vague and misty concept of the things they want to become, to do, or to have. It is not enough that you should have a general desire for wealth "to do good with". Everybody has that desire. It is not enough that you should have a wish to travel, see things, live more, etc. Everybody has those desires also. If you were going to send a telegram message to a friend, you would not send the letters of the alphabet in their order and let him construct the message for himself.
(Ha-Ha - I love this analogy!)
Nor would you take words at random from the dictionary. You would construct a coherent sentence,...YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, AND BE DEFINITE.
The above statements really struck home with me. I have lived my life both ways. At times I have been focused and dedicated to something important and achieved my desire even when I didn't know where the resources would come from. I have also lived my life randomly, relinquishing control of my thoughts and attitude and 'hoping' for good things to come my way. I call that "Living the UNcertain way". These were the times I would become depressed and irritable and generally gained weight.
Watching the DVD of The Secret was a big slap in the face for me to WAKE-UP! I heard, "Get Focused and Move Your Feet".
Thinking the Certain Way isn't about sitting in a dim room, surrounded by candles, chanting "money, money, money" and having a million dollars pop out of your third eye.
Wattles goes on to say, Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize, it, to bring it into tangible expression, and, behind this purpose must be an invincible and unwavering faith that the thing is already yours - that it is at hand and you have only to take possession of it.
"Whatsoever, things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
This is Thinking the Certain Way... see things you want as if they were actually around you all the time; see yourself as owning and using them.... Hold to this mental ownership; do not waver for an instant in the faith that it is real.
There's our challenge, not to get distracted by external 'realities'. We need to hold onto our mental visions of how we want that external reality to change. Learning to Think the Certain Way is a process. It takes practice and constant reminding. We're building a new set mind muscles that will literally change our World!
Let this space be a place we can gather to remind ourselves how to Think and Live The Certain Way.
To Your Success,
Wattles says, You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want.
The clear and definite part can be a challenge for a lot of us. I find it a challenge because I want so many things I'm not sure what to focus on first. Some of us never form a clear and definite mental picture of our heart's desire because we don't really believe that we can actually acquire or achieve what we want.
Many people....have themselves only a vague and misty concept of the things they want to become, to do, or to have. It is not enough that you should have a general desire for wealth "to do good with". Everybody has that desire. It is not enough that you should have a wish to travel, see things, live more, etc. Everybody has those desires also. If you were going to send a telegram message to a friend, you would not send the letters of the alphabet in their order and let him construct the message for himself.
(Ha-Ha - I love this analogy!)
Nor would you take words at random from the dictionary. You would construct a coherent sentence,...YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, AND BE DEFINITE.
The above statements really struck home with me. I have lived my life both ways. At times I have been focused and dedicated to something important and achieved my desire even when I didn't know where the resources would come from. I have also lived my life randomly, relinquishing control of my thoughts and attitude and 'hoping' for good things to come my way. I call that "Living the UNcertain way". These were the times I would become depressed and irritable and generally gained weight.
Watching the DVD of The Secret was a big slap in the face for me to WAKE-UP! I heard, "Get Focused and Move Your Feet".
Thinking the Certain Way isn't about sitting in a dim room, surrounded by candles, chanting "money, money, money" and having a million dollars pop out of your third eye.
Wattles goes on to say, Behind your clear vision must be the purpose to realize, it, to bring it into tangible expression, and, behind this purpose must be an invincible and unwavering faith that the thing is already yours - that it is at hand and you have only to take possession of it.
"Whatsoever, things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
This is Thinking the Certain Way... see things you want as if they were actually around you all the time; see yourself as owning and using them.... Hold to this mental ownership; do not waver for an instant in the faith that it is real.
There's our challenge, not to get distracted by external 'realities'. We need to hold onto our mental visions of how we want that external reality to change. Learning to Think the Certain Way is a process. It takes practice and constant reminding. We're building a new set mind muscles that will literally change our World!
Let this space be a place we can gather to remind ourselves how to Think and Live The Certain Way.
To Your Success,
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Fate? Coincidence? Law of Attraction?
I had been looking for a very special horse for about a year.
I looked at hundreds of horses on the internet - drove hundreds of miles to look at others and sat through numerous video tapes. Some beautifully showcasing the horse for sale, some truly disastrous and heartbreaking.
My criteria was very specific - but sometimes I would get discouraged and begin to think that I would never find exactly what I was looking for or that I couldn't afford it and that I should settle for something less.
This past Spring we were in the process of moving across the country. I was on a trip to Raleigh to visit my husband to look at houses for sale. The layover between flights was 3 1/2 hours so I booted up my computer and looked at pictures of pretty horses for sale. On this particular search, I had forgotten to type in the parameters for price. Hence, some spectacular pictures popped up of some very expensive horses.
One of them really got my attention - his description was everything that I was looking for; size, training, temperment, age, athletic ability, and stunningly beautiful. But, he was a breeding stallion and waaaaay out of my price range.
I sent an email anyway in the hopes that they would either have or know of another horse that might be suitable for me. Or they would say, "If you have to ask the price honey, you can't afford the horse."
I actually inquired about several horses that day and had an inbox full of responses when I returned to Denver. They didn't take long to sift through, "Thanks, your horse sounds very sweet, but he's just a little older than I'm looking for."(He's actually 27 and the picture on the website was of him as a 5 yr. old stallion).
One of the responses came from southern Illinois and appeared to be a worthy candidate. Since my husband was coming to Denver that weekend anyway he encouraged my to go ahead and visit the horse and he would stay home with the kids and do some packing. (I have a GREAT husband).
My husband was flying in late Wednesday night, so with some time to kill before heading to the airport I checked my email to see if anyone had sent along any good jokes that day. What I found was a response from the owner of the very expensive stallion I had inquired about the weekend before. She told me she had shared my inquiry with her friend and co-owner of their horse and decided that if he was a good match for me that they would rather see him go to a home where he will be active and loved than to a breeding facility where he will be isolated for the rest of his life. They had already turned down full price offers because they didn't want him to go to the kind of home that would be provided. She quoted me their rock bottom price. It just happened to be the same as my ceiling price. I was so excited I started vibrating. But I had just booked a flight to Illinois for the next day and it was the last chance I would have to travel to see a horse until sometime in July. I flipped back to the ad they had to see what part of the country they were located. Oh, My God... Southern Illinois. One hour from the St. Louis airport and one hour from the other horse I was already scheduled to see. What were the odds of that coincidence? Since it was 11:00 pm in Illinois at this time I was afraid it was too late to call - I fired off an email, "You're not going to believe this but...".
Not surprisingly by now, he (Cruiser) was everything I had been looking for in a horse. Horsanality Plus! His owner/trainer was a beautiful rider and had taught him well. Impeccable ground manners, just spectacular under saddle. He knows far more than I do. I could hardly believe I had actually found everything I wanted in a horse, all in one package.
I did go to visit the other horse I had scheduled to see. He (Major) was an awesome animal, less expensive, but with some definite emotional issues. I was caught off guard by what happened next. The 'rescuer' in me tried to take over and rationalize why I should buy the less expensive horse and 'fix' him. (He wasn't even ridable).
That night I was distraught with indecision, almost sick. Wouldn't it be selfish of me not to try to help the horse that needed the right kind of training? Cruiser was so well trained, he knows more than I do, I'm not worthy of a horse that good... and on it went through the night.
The next day I called to visit Cruiser again on my way to the airport before I made a decision. Thank God I did.
We took a wonderful ride around the farm. While sitting on his back the dark clouds in my mind rolled away. This is what I had been ASKING for. Every detail of a horse just like this had played out in my mind for months. My prayer is being answered - who am I to say 'no' to the Universe, to God for delivering to me - exactly what I have said I wanted. That awesome vibration of "this is it!" surged through every nerve ending in my body. I didn't want a 'project' horse in my life right now - I wanted a partner.
I know this is kind of a long story - but I feel it speaks to how many of us live our lives.
The process of finding Cruiser was a tremendous lesson in getting what I want.
*First - I had to SEE in my mind what that was - Exactly. You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want.
*Second - I had to ASK - take ACTION - a lot of inquiries - and not limit my asking because I was afraid of 'NO' or I couldn't afford it. If you believe in the Law of Attraction - you must be willing to physically take the necessary steps involved toward whatever it is you want.
*Third - I had to RECEIVE - I very nearly walked away from what I truly wanted thinking it would be selfish to choose exactly what I want over 'needs someone like me'. Recieving is the crucial point in the science of getting rich (getting what you want) - right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. My past 'programming' insisted that I settle for less than what I truly desired. I had to allow myself to receive the good that I had attracted to me.
Every one of those steps in the process is critical. Amazingly enough - I think this is true for a lot us. Sometimes the most difficult step is the ability to RECEIVE. Be Grateful and take what you asked for and do not settle for anything less.
I looked at hundreds of horses on the internet - drove hundreds of miles to look at others and sat through numerous video tapes. Some beautifully showcasing the horse for sale, some truly disastrous and heartbreaking.
My criteria was very specific - but sometimes I would get discouraged and begin to think that I would never find exactly what I was looking for or that I couldn't afford it and that I should settle for something less.
This past Spring we were in the process of moving across the country. I was on a trip to Raleigh to visit my husband to look at houses for sale. The layover between flights was 3 1/2 hours so I booted up my computer and looked at pictures of pretty horses for sale. On this particular search, I had forgotten to type in the parameters for price. Hence, some spectacular pictures popped up of some very expensive horses.
One of them really got my attention - his description was everything that I was looking for; size, training, temperment, age, athletic ability, and stunningly beautiful. But, he was a breeding stallion and waaaaay out of my price range.
I sent an email anyway in the hopes that they would either have or know of another horse that might be suitable for me. Or they would say, "If you have to ask the price honey, you can't afford the horse."
I actually inquired about several horses that day and had an inbox full of responses when I returned to Denver. They didn't take long to sift through, "Thanks, your horse sounds very sweet, but he's just a little older than I'm looking for."(He's actually 27 and the picture on the website was of him as a 5 yr. old stallion).
One of the responses came from southern Illinois and appeared to be a worthy candidate. Since my husband was coming to Denver that weekend anyway he encouraged my to go ahead and visit the horse and he would stay home with the kids and do some packing. (I have a GREAT husband).
My husband was flying in late Wednesday night, so with some time to kill before heading to the airport I checked my email to see if anyone had sent along any good jokes that day. What I found was a response from the owner of the very expensive stallion I had inquired about the weekend before. She told me she had shared my inquiry with her friend and co-owner of their horse and decided that if he was a good match for me that they would rather see him go to a home where he will be active and loved than to a breeding facility where he will be isolated for the rest of his life. They had already turned down full price offers because they didn't want him to go to the kind of home that would be provided. She quoted me their rock bottom price. It just happened to be the same as my ceiling price. I was so excited I started vibrating. But I had just booked a flight to Illinois for the next day and it was the last chance I would have to travel to see a horse until sometime in July. I flipped back to the ad they had to see what part of the country they were located. Oh, My God... Southern Illinois. One hour from the St. Louis airport and one hour from the other horse I was already scheduled to see. What were the odds of that coincidence? Since it was 11:00 pm in Illinois at this time I was afraid it was too late to call - I fired off an email, "You're not going to believe this but...".
Not surprisingly by now, he (Cruiser) was everything I had been looking for in a horse. Horsanality Plus! His owner/trainer was a beautiful rider and had taught him well. Impeccable ground manners, just spectacular under saddle. He knows far more than I do. I could hardly believe I had actually found everything I wanted in a horse, all in one package.
I did go to visit the other horse I had scheduled to see. He (Major) was an awesome animal, less expensive, but with some definite emotional issues. I was caught off guard by what happened next. The 'rescuer' in me tried to take over and rationalize why I should buy the less expensive horse and 'fix' him. (He wasn't even ridable).
That night I was distraught with indecision, almost sick. Wouldn't it be selfish of me not to try to help the horse that needed the right kind of training? Cruiser was so well trained, he knows more than I do, I'm not worthy of a horse that good... and on it went through the night.
The next day I called to visit Cruiser again on my way to the airport before I made a decision. Thank God I did.
We took a wonderful ride around the farm. While sitting on his back the dark clouds in my mind rolled away. This is what I had been ASKING for. Every detail of a horse just like this had played out in my mind for months. My prayer is being answered - who am I to say 'no' to the Universe, to God for delivering to me - exactly what I have said I wanted. That awesome vibration of "this is it!" surged through every nerve ending in my body. I didn't want a 'project' horse in my life right now - I wanted a partner.
I know this is kind of a long story - but I feel it speaks to how many of us live our lives.
The process of finding Cruiser was a tremendous lesson in getting what I want.
*First - I had to SEE in my mind what that was - Exactly. You must form a clear and definite mental picture of what you want.
*Second - I had to ASK - take ACTION - a lot of inquiries - and not limit my asking because I was afraid of 'NO' or I couldn't afford it. If you believe in the Law of Attraction - you must be willing to physically take the necessary steps involved toward whatever it is you want.
*Third - I had to RECEIVE - I very nearly walked away from what I truly wanted thinking it would be selfish to choose exactly what I want over 'needs someone like me'. Recieving is the crucial point in the science of getting rich (getting what you want) - right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. My past 'programming' insisted that I settle for less than what I truly desired. I had to allow myself to receive the good that I had attracted to me.
Every one of those steps in the process is critical. Amazingly enough - I think this is true for a lot us. Sometimes the most difficult step is the ability to RECEIVE. Be Grateful and take what you asked for and do not settle for anything less.
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